UPDATED 2019: All prices are for wardrobe  break-down only
Detailed wardrobe notes:
A detailed typed account of each principle character in each scene. A few generic notes for atmosphere characters will help you better establish continuity, palette, and timeline.

Original sketch: (single, full body sketch 10"x12")
Black and white pencil and ink wash mixed media

Full color pencil and watercolor mixed media

Fabric sample board:
A hot press board with various suggested fabric types to use as texture and color palette for wardrobe.

Reference photos:
MSP will do the research giving you a reference photo or digital sketch, for a visual idea along with short description on disc or sent via email. The number of photos are up to you; 1 to 100+
Photos are added to package not available on thier own
Digital layout forms packet:
Each packet will have a disc of various forms in PDF format created with your production title in heading. FORMS: Principle character plot sheet, extras plot sheets, size charts, data sheet, and other important forms.
One 20-minute emergency phone call:
(in English, Eastern Standard Time -EST)
This is for anyone who has ordered any size packet. Time and date must be established via email.

Economy Package:
In these economic hard times MSP will try to accommodate everyone in need of costume services. Email MSP and we will send you a prescript questionnaire. Fill that out and send back with a brief 1-2 page treatment. Information package includes: Reading and break down the detailed 1-2 typed page treatment with added notes, ideas and examples, 3-4 photo references, 2 different plot sheet forms, and two 15-minute FREE phone consultations.

$2 ea
Before we even read a script MSP requires we read a one-page treatment. Upon reading the treatment we reserve the right to turn away any script that goes against our moral and ethical views.

Thank you for your understanding, LMB

To contact us: 
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA 
To ensure all information is sent and received in a timely manner, MSP suggests we begin the process no later than 2 months out, depending on the complexity of script and number of characters. If sending a check or money order please note that work does not begin until payment clears.
If using your PO box # for shipping, do not put your PO box # as your address. Paypal and I need a physical address. If you are trying to reach MSP please call AND email so we are sure you've gotten through.
When telephoning, leave name, production company, school, etc along with exact time frame to return call (rememebr MSP is in North-East USA and runs on EST (Eastern Standard Time). When leaving an email always put MSP and then the subject. I erase all emails if I do not know sender.
**The timelines we establish do not reflect snail-mail mailing days, waiting for checks to clear, and shipping items back.
 A YouTube video of some designs for film, theatre, city wide parade, illustrations, private clientele, PBS Special, original jewelry designs, etc.
My favorite character I created with wardrobe is the old lady (Stuck in the Past) with the funky olive color rhinestone glasses and then I found a matching hat! What a character she was!

Script analysis (breakdown) with notes:
Read script, analysis of characters, location, action, establish special stunt needs, etc.
Send script via snail mail. When sending via email additional $5 for MSP printing hard copy.
Mustard Seed Productions
International On-line
​Costume & Fashion consulting​
Pittsburgh PA-USA​​
      ​Service  Descriptions
                            ​ & 
​                  Order  Form
Someone stole my form!!!!

While WUFOO and I are figuring out what happened to my form,
​feel free to email me​!

Thank you for your patience
Lisa Marie​